Refrain from parking in fire lanes and in front of the church or preschool. Please respect the HANDICAP PARKING SIGNS at all times.
Do not come in the one-way entrance.
Students are to be dropped off between 7:45 AM and 8:00 AM unless they are going to daycare.
All students are to be dropped off in front of the school. Parents that are coming into the school should drop students off before they proceed to the parking lot. Do not drop students off in front of the church at any time.
Please pull your car all the way forward to the end of the sidewalk. Do not pass any cars that are dropping off students. After the students exit the car they will walk into school.
Students should exit from the passenger side only. This may require rearrangement of car seats but it is necessary for the safety of our students since it is a two-lane driveway.
Please be a courteous driver at all times. Please follow the directions of our safety patrols and staff as they are trying to keep all our students safe.
Students who are not inside of the building at 8:05 AM are late. If the teacher is still on duty they may be dropped off at the entrance and proceed to the office to get a late pass. If the teacher is not on duty, parents should park in the parking lot, and bring the students to the office to sign them in.
If you have cupcakes, large projects, notes for the office, etc., you can give the items to a safety patrol.
Afternoon pick up procedures
The rope barrier will be not be removed before 2:50 p.m.
The first car will form the first circle along the side of the school building and the end of the parking lot. Please move as close as possible to the car in front of you to allow the maximum number of cars in line.
Please do not leave your car or your child unattended in the carpool line.
All carpoolers are to be picked up in the carpool line. All dismissals after 2:50 are from the carpool line. No students are to be picked up at the front entrance or in the parking lot. Parents in the second line need to wait to pick up their students from the carpool line.
If you are waiting for a safety patrol and you are in a carpool, please pick up your carpool and wait in the parking lot for your safety patrol.
Arrangements to go home after school with another student are not to be made in the carpool line. For a student to be allowed to go home with another student, both students need to bring a note to school and turn it into the school office at the start of the school day.
Students are not to re-enter the building after they go to the carpool line. If they forgot something please park in the parking lot and escort your child into the building.
If the carpool line starts to move and your child is not out, please let a faculty member or a safety patrol know and they will locate your child. If your child does not come out before we start the carpool, please drive around the school and re-join the second carpool line. We cannot hold up the carpool line. If you are in the second carpool line your child will be waiting for you on the blacktop.